
Gambling habits lead to fraudulent behaviour

See how quickly an employee can embed themselves into your business and take advantage of their position

Put it all on black….. I’ll definitely hit this time….right?

These are the types of behaviours and risks that change everyday employee’s from fantastic workers to desperate staff members looking for a way to ‘make it all better’ while feeding the habit that got them there in the first place.

Point in case with a recent office administrator who skimmed more than $90,000 from a Christchurch business over a small 8-week period (Ouch).

View article here:

Had this business owner had vigilantPay protecting their business, then the very first time the staff member in question had changed the bank accounts the owner would have been sent an alert ‘before’ any payments were released to the bank for payment.

The same with staff wages. VigilantPay has a nifty wee feature that allows you to set variances for payroll. So if the payroll payment for any staff member goes outside the parameter (that you set) then it also flags in the system for review. Pretty cool stuff.

Staff can create the batch files ready to go to the bank, but you have a separate ‘approver’ role. So any exceptions can be reviewed before the instructions are released to the bank.

Call us today if you would like to find out more or would like a free no-obligation online demonstration.

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